A multipurpose wall outlet comprising:
A smart chip is configured to maximize the power delivery output
Model => 2013 Electrical Rating =>
125 VAC, 15A, 1875 watts
AC Outlets => AC Outlets
USB Ports => 2
USB Power Output => 5 VDC, 2.4A
total Compatibility => Compatibility
Manolo technologies.Inc owner EG ELECTRICAL GREEN Trademark US Reg.No.5,709,919 (Ser. No. 86402498)
Multipurposes Wall Outlet Holding LLC owner of utility Patent No .: US 10,644,460 B2 and Patent No.: US 11,978,985 B2 *This list is provided for patent marking purposes only.
A good faith effort is made to maintain the accuracy and completeness of this list. No legal inference should be drawn from the omission of a patent from this list.